#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; -*- use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use lib "/h/hamren/src/post/lib", "."; my $rval = do "common.pm" || die "$0: common.pm failed ($!) [$@]"; #--- Single-line common initializer #--- End of header sub qqq($) { return i("@_"); } my $Worker = qqq("Worker"); post( header(), p(read_main_redgreenblue_article("Tcl and Tk")), p("This example uses the Tk GUI toolkit.", " Tk has support for events on files and sockets, so socket handling is integrated into the GUI's event loop."), p("Tk is used by several implementations: Perl, Python and Tcl."), h2("The source code"), source_file("./redgreenblue.tcl.source"), footer() ); __END__