This is the Ada implementation of the anagram program. The problem and the solution is described in the main anagram article. Do read that article first.
This is traditional ADA, except for the use of Ada.Containers.Generic_Sort available in Ada 2012.
While Ada did not originally contain object-oriented constructs such as classes, these have been added. I have not used them, since the package mechanism suffices for this program.
The GNU Ada Translator, known as gnat is very good. The Ada program is as fast as the C and C++ programs, and it uses less memory.
Don’t use Ada. Hardly anyone does. It is almost extinct. I include it just for completeness.
The source code
The Ada Reference Manual does not specify how source code is to be divided into files. The convention is to have one file for each package specification, package body or global function. With GNU Ada, the source file passed to gnatmake contains the procedure that acts as the entry point, like main() in C. Since there must be exactly one procedure in that file, it can have any name.
AnagramFinder package specification
package AnagramFinder is procedure new_len(word_len : integer); procedure find_all; procedure get_file; procedure write_stats; end AnagramFinder;
Main program
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with AnagramFinder; procedure anagram is from : integer := 6; to : integer := 6; begin if (argument_count > 0) then from:= integer'value(argument(1)); to := from; end if; if (argument_count > 1) then to := integer'value(argument(2)); end if; AnagramFinder.get_file; for len in loop if (len > from) then new_line; end if; put("len = "); put(len, 1); new_line; AnagramFinder.new_len(len); AnagramFinder.find_all; end loop; AnagramFinder.write_stats; end;
AnagramFinder package body
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Containers.Generic_Sort; package body AnagramFinder is type Str is new string(1..20); ----------- TYPES type Word is record offset : integer; value : Str; unified : Str; end record; type LetterCount is array (character range 'A'..'Z') of integer; type WordListForSorting is array (positive range <> ) of Word; ----------- GLOBALS comparisons : integer := 0; len : integer; ----------- CONSTANTS MINIMUM : constant integer := 3; SPACES : constant Str := " "; ----------- put_str() procedure put_str(s : Str) is begin for i in 1..len loop put(s(i)); end loop; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnagramFinder text : string(1..256000); text_len : integer := 0; low_offset : integer; words : WordListForSorting(1..256000); nwords : integer; accepted : array(1..20) of integer; naccepted : integer; ----------- word_before() function word_before(a, b: in positive) return boolean is begin comparisons := comparisons + 1; for i in words(1).unified'range loop if (words(a).unified(i) < words(b).unified(i)) then return true; end if; if (words(a).unified(i) > words(b).unified(i)) then return false; end if; end loop; return words(a).offset < words(b).offset; end; ----------- word_swap() procedure word_swap(a, b: in positive) is tmp : Word; begin tmp := words(a); words(a) := words(b); words(b) := Tmp; end word_swap; ----------- sort_words() procedure sort_words is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Sort(positive, word_before, word_swap); ----------- new_len() function get_unified(letters : LetterCount) return Str; procedure new_len(word_len : integer) is ch : character; front : integer; value : Str := SPACES; letters : LetterCount; begin len := word_len; for i in letters'range loop letters(i) := 0; end loop; nwords := 0; for i in 1..(len-1) loop ch := text(i); letters(ch) := letters(ch) + 1; value (i ) := ch; -- "FINDM " end loop; for back in 1..(text_len-len+1) loop nwords := nwords + 1; front := back+len-1; letters(text(front)) := letters(text(front)) + 1; value(len) := text(front); -- "FINDME" words(nwords).offset := back - 1; -- zero-based words(nwords).value := value; words(nwords).unified := get_unified(letters); value(1..(len-1)) := value(2..(len)); -- "INDMEE" letters(text(back )) := letters(text(back )) - 1; end loop; sort_words(1, nwords); end; ----------- get_unified() function get_unified(letters : LetterCount) return Str is p : integer := 1; rval : str := SPACES; begin for ch in letters'range loop for i in 1..letters(ch) loop rval(p) := ch; p := p+1; end loop; end loop; return rval; end; ----------- compare_values() function compare_values(a, b : integer) return integer is begin for i in 1..len loop if (words(a).value(i) < words(b).value(i)) then return -1; end if; if (words(a).value(i) > words(b).value(i)) then return +1; end if; end loop; return 0; end; ----------- print_one_result() procedure print_one_result is begin put(naccepted, 3); put(':'); for i in 1..naccepted loop put(' '); put(words(accepted(i)).offset, 4); put(':'); put_str(words(accepted(i)).value); end loop; new_line; end; ----------- add_candidate() procedure add_candidate(cand : integer) is begin if (words(cand).offset < low_offset) then return; end if; for i in 1..naccepted loop if (0 = compare_values(cand, accepted(i))) then return; end if; end loop; naccepted := naccepted + 1; accepted(naccepted) := cand; low_offset := words(cand).offset + len; end; ----------- add_range() procedure add_range(first, last : integer) is begin if (last - first + 1 >= MINIMUM) then naccepted := 0; low_offset := 0; for i in first..last loop add_candidate(i); end loop; if (naccepted >= MINIMUM) then print_one_result; end if; end if; end; ----------- find_all() procedure find_all is first : integer := 1; begin for i in 2..(nwords) loop for j in 1..len loop if words(first).unified(j) /= words(i).unified(j) then add_range(first, i-1); first := i; exit; end if; end loop; end loop; add_range(first, nwords); end; ----------- get_file() procedure get_file is ch : character; begin while not end_of_file loop get(ch); -- raises ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.END_ERROR if last line is empty ch := to_upper(ch); if (ch in 'A'..'Z') then text_len := text_len + 1; text(text_len) := ch; end if; end loop; end; ----------- write_stats() procedure write_stats is begin put("string length = "); put(text_len, 5); put(", comparisons = "); put(comparisons, 5); new_line; end; end anagramfinder;
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