This is the Ruby implementation of the anagram program. The problem and the solution is described in the main anagram article. Do read that article first.
Also, you may find the C++ article helpful, since it describes member data and functions in some detail, not repeated here. This article describes only the differences between the C++ implementation and this implementation.
The Ruby implementation is similar to the other scripting implementations; the differences are mostly syntactical.
Comparing words is implemented is the comparison (<=>) operator in Word. That operator is used implicitly by the array sort method.
The Ruby program is currently the shortest, 58 significant lines to Perl’s 70. It is also the slowest, using 50 per cent more time than Perl, and 150-200 per cent more than Python and PHP.
The source code
#!/usr/bin/env ruby MINIMUM = 3 $comparisons = 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word class Word def initialize(offset, value, unified) @offset = offset.to_i @value = value @unified = unified end def <=>(b) $comparisons = $comparisons+1 tmp = unified <=> b.unified return tmp != 0 ? tmp : offset <=> b.offset end attr_reader :offset, :value, :unified end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnagramFinder class AnagramFinder def initialize(text, len) last = text.length-len @text = text @len = len @words = [] @accepted = [] @low_offset = 0 @words = (0..last).to_a.collect { |i| value = @text[i, @len], value, get_unified(value)) } end def get_unified(value) return value.split(//).sort!.join("") end def print_accepted() print("%3d:" % [ @accepted.length ]) @accepted.each { |it| print(" %4d:%s" % [0+it.offset, it.value]) } print("\n") end def add_candidate(cand) return if cand.offset < @low_offset #--- Overlapping @accepted.each { |it| return if cand.value == it.value } #--- Duplicates @accepted.push(cand) @low_offset = cand.offset + @len end def add_range(first, last) if (last - first + 1 >= MINIMUM) @accepted = [] @low_offset = 0 (first..last).each { |n| add_candidate(@words[n]) } print_accepted if (@accepted.length >= MINIMUM) end end def find_all() @words.sort! first = 0 for n in (1..(@words.length-1)) if (@words[n].unified != @words[first].unified) add_range(first, n-1) first = n end end add_range(first, n-1) #--- n is still in scope GC.start #--- Nice try, but makes no difference (neither time nor memory) end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main program def main text = $!.gsub!(/[^A-Z]+/, '') from = (ARGV.length > 0) ? ARGV[0].to_i : 6; to = (ARGV.length > 1) ? ARGV[1].to_i : from; for len in ( print("%slen = %d\n" % [ ((len > from) ? "\n" : ""), len ]), len).find_all end print("string length = %5d, comparisons = %d\n" % [ text.length, $comparisons ]) end main
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