This is the C# implementation of the anagram program. The problem and the solution is described in the main anagram article. Do read that article first.
Also, you may find the C++ article helpful, since it describes member data and functions in some detail, not repeated here. This article describes only the differences between the C++ implementation and this implementation.
Actually C# and C++ implementations are virtually identical. The differences are syntactical only.
The words comparison could have been inlined, but that is hard on the eyes.
The source code
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Anagram { class Word { public int offset; public String value; public String unified; public Word(int offset, String value, String unified) { this.offset = offset; this.value = value; this.unified = unified; } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0:d4} {1} {2}", offset, value, unified); } } class WordCompare : IComparer<Word> { public static int comparisons; public int Compare(Word a, Word b) { comparisons++; int rval = a.unified.CompareTo(b.unified); return (0 != rval) ? rval : (a.offset - b.offset); } } class AnagramFinder { private int len; private Word[] words; private List<Word> accepted = new List<Word>(); private int low_offset = 0; public AnagramFinder(String text, int len) { int last = text.Length - len; this.words = new Word[last+1]; this.len = len; for (int n = 0; n <= last; n++) { String value = text.Substring(n, len); words[n] = new Word(n, value, get_unified(value)); } } private static string get_unified(String value) { char[] chars = value.ToCharArray(); Array.Sort(chars); return new String(chars); } private void print_one_result() { Console.Write("{0,3:d}:", accepted.Count); foreach (var it in accepted) Console.Write(" {0,4:d}:{1}", it.offset, it.value); Console.WriteLine(); } private void add_candidate(Word cand) { if (cand.offset < low_offset) return; foreach (var it in accepted) if (cand.value.Equals(it.value)) return; accepted.Add(cand); low_offset = cand.offset + len; } private void add_range(int begin, int end) { if (end-begin >= Program.MINIMUM) { accepted.Clear(); low_offset = 0; for (int n = begin; n < end; n++) add_candidate(words[n]); if (accepted.Count >= Program.MINIMUM) print_one_result(); } } public void find_all() { Array.Sort(words, new WordCompare()); int begin = 0; for (int n = 1; n < words.Length; n++) { if (! words[begin].unified.Equals(words[n].unified)) { add_range(begin, n); begin = n; } } add_range(begin, words.Length); } } class Program { public const int MINIMUM = 3; static String read_text() { var buf = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); int b; while ((b = Console.In.Read()) >= 0) { char ch = (char)b; if (Char.IsLetter(ch)) buf.Append(Char.ToUpper(ch)); } return buf.ToString(); } static void Main(string[] args) { String text = read_text(); int from = (args.Length >= 1) ? Int32.Parse(args[0]) : 4; int to = (args.Length >= 2) ? Int32.Parse(args[1]) : from; for (int n = from; n <= to; n++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}len = {1}", (n > from ? "\n" : ""), n); new AnagramFinder(text, n).find_all(); } Console.WriteLine("string length = {0,5:d}, comparisons = {1,5:d}", text.Length, WordCompare.comparisons); } } }
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