This is the D implementation of the anagram program. The problem and the solution is described in the main anagram article. Do read that article first.
D is very similar to C++. I have used the GNU compiler, gdc.
The source code
import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.uni; const int MINIMUM = 3; ; int comparisons = 0; class Word { public: int offset; char value[]; char unified[]; this(int offset, ref char value[], char unified[]) { this.offset = offset; this.value = value.dup; this.unified = unified; } }; class AnagramFinder { private: int len; Word words[]; int accepted[]; int low_offset; public: this(char text[], int len) { this.len = len; accepted.reserve(40); words.length = (text.length - len + 1); foreach (int n, _; words) { char val[] = text[n..(n+len)]; words[n] = new Word(n, val, get_unified(val)); } } static int compare_words(Word a, Word b) { comparisons++; int rval = cmp(a.unified, b.unified); return (rval != 0) ? rval : (a.offset - b.offset); } static char[] get_unified(ref char[] s) { char tmp[] = s.dup; sort(tmp.representation); return tmp; } void print_one_result() { printf("%3d:", accepted.length); foreach (int it; accepted) printf(" %4d:%s", words[it].offset, toStringz(words[it].value)); printf("\n"); } void add_candidate(int cand) { Word c = words[cand]; if (c.offset < low_offset) return; foreach (int it; accepted) if (words[it].value == c.value) return; accepted ~= cand; low_offset = c.offset + len; } void add_range(int begin, int end) { if (end-begin >= MINIMUM) { accepted.length = 0; low_offset = 0; for (int n = begin; n < end; n++) add_candidate(n); if (accepted.length >= MINIMUM) print_one_result(); } } alias compare_less = (a, b) => (compare_words(a, b) < 0); void find_all() { words.sort!(compare_less); int begin = 0; foreach (n;!(int)(words.length)) { if (words[n].unified != words[begin].unified) { add_range(begin, n); begin = n; } } add_range(begin, to!(int)(words.length)); } }; static void read_text(ref char text[]) { char line[]; line.reserve(200); text.length = 0; while (readln(line) > 0) { foreach (char ch; line) { if (isAlpha(ch)) text ~= ch; } } toUpperInPlace(text); } void main(string argv[]) { int first = (argv.length > 1) ? parse!int(argv[1]) : 6; int last = (argv.length > 2) ? parse!int(argv[2]) : first; char text[]; text.reserve(500*512); read_text(text); foreach (int len; first..(last+1)) { printf("%slen = %d\n", toStringz(len > first ? "\n" : ""), len); new AnagramFinder(text, len).find_all(); } printf("string length = %5d, comparisons = %d\n", text.length, comparisons); }
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