This is the Kotlin implementation of the anagram program. The problem and the solution is described in the main anagram article. Do read that article first.
Kotlin execution-speed is slightly better than that of Java. But it has the worst memory performance of all languages so far, using 396 MB. Almost four times as much memory as Java (100 MB). This may partly be because there is no way of triggering a garbage collection. In Java there is, and without explicit garbage collection the Java program has roughly the same meory usage as the Kotlin program.
Note the implementation of printf() at the beginning of the code.
The source code
val MINIMUM = 3 var comparisons : Int = 0 fun printf(fmt : String, vararg args: Any?) { print(fmt.format(*args)) } class Word : Comparable<Word> { var offset : Int var value : String var unified : String constructor (offset : Int, value : String, unified : String) { this.offset = offset this.value = value this.unified = unified } override operator fun compareTo(other : Word) : Int { comparisons++ var rval : Int = this.unified.compareTo(other.unified) return if (0 != rval) rval else (this.offset - other.offset) } } class AnagramFinder { private var len : Int private var words = mutableListOf<Word>() private var accepted = mutableListOf<Word>() private var low_offset : Int = 0 constructor(text : String, len : Int) { this.len = len for (i in (0..(text.length-len))) { var value : String = text.substring(i..i+len-1) words.add(Word(i, value, this.get_unified(value))) } } fun get_unified(value : String) : String { var tmp : CharArray = CharArray(len) value.toCharArray(tmp) tmp.sort() return String(tmp) } fun print_one_result() { printf("%3d:", accepted.count()) accepted.forEach { printf(" %4d:%s", it.offset, it.value) } printf("\n") } fun add_candidate(cand : Int) { var c = words[cand] if (c.offset < low_offset) return accepted.forEach { if (it.value == c.value) return } accepted.add(c) low_offset = c.offset + len } fun add_range(first : Int, last : Int) { if (last-first+1 >= MINIMUM) { accepted.clear() low_offset = 0 for (n in first..last) add_candidate(n) if (accepted.count() >= MINIMUM) print_one_result() } } fun find_all() { words.sort() var first : Int = 0 for (i in (1..(words.count()-1))) { if (words[first].unified != words[i].unified) { add_range(first, i-1) first = i } } add_range(first, words.count()-1) } } fun read_text() : String { var sb = StringBuilder(500 * 512) var line : String? = readLine() while (null != line) { for (ch : Char in line) if (ch.isLetter()) sb.append(ch.toUpperCase()) line = readLine() } return String(sb) } fun main(args: Array<String>) { var from : Int = if (args.size > 0) args[0].toInt() else 6 var to : Int = if (args.size > 1) args[1].toInt() else from var text = read_text() for (len in { printf("%slen = %d\n", (if (len > from) "\n" else ""), len) var af = AnagramFinder(text, len) af.find_all() } printf("string length = %5d, comparisons = %d\n", text.length, comparisons) }
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