This is the Cobol implementation of the anagram program. The problem and the solution is described in the main anagram article. Do read that article first.
Also, you may find the C++ article helpful, since it describes member data and functions in some detail, not repeated here. This article describes only the differences between the C++ implementation and this implementation.
The rearranged source code
To make the code easier to follow, I have rearranged it so that declarations from working-storage section are show together with the code that uses them. The full unmodified source is show at the end of the article.
Start of the program
Declares the single input file Âanagram-inÂ.
identification division. program-id. anagram. environment division. input-output section. file-control. select anagram-in assign to 'datain' line sequential. data division. file section. fd anagram-in. 01 row pic x(80). working-storage section.
Core program data
Delares the letter-only character buf Âtxt and its actual length Âtxt-lenÂ. Declares a table Âword of up 800000 words, and ÂnwordsÂ, the actual number of words. 800000 is large enough to contain almost 1600 copies of the original input text. The `extra’ two entries are used as temporaries by quicksort
Âaccepted is the table of the words that make up the words of the current anagram, and Ânaccepted is the number of entries in use.
Âdata-in is the input buffer for reading the input file. Âlen is the length in characters of the anagrams.
01 af-data. 05 txt pic x(256000). 05 txt-len pic 9(06) comp value 0. 05 word occurs 256002. 08 sort-key. 11 unified pic x(12) value spaces. 11 offset pic 9(06) value 0. 08 valu pic x(12) value spaces. 05 nwords pic 9(06) comp. 05 accepted pic 9(06) comp occurs 30. 05 naccepted pic 99 comp. 05 data-in pic x(80). 05 MINIMUM pic 9 comp value 3. 05 len pic 99 comp.
Miscellaneous global data
Some fields for formatting numeric data, and o counter for calls to the word comparison routines used by quicksort.
01 globals. 05 numfmt3 pic z(2)9. 05 numfmt6 pic z(5)9. 05 numfmt9 pic z(8)9. 01 debug. 05 comparisons pic 9(09) comp.
Do not trust these to survive a call.
01 temporaries. 05 general-use. 08 i pic 9(06) comp. 08 j pic 9(06) comp. 08 k pic 9(06) comp. 08 m pic 9(06) comp.
Calls paragraph ÂmainÂ, located further down.
procedure division. perform main stop run .
The main program
main. open input anagram-in perform read-infile close anagram-in perform varying len from 4 by 1 until len > 10 if len > 4 display ' ' end-if move len to numfmt3 display 'len = ' numfmt3 perform af-new-len perform af-find-all end-perform move txt-len to numfmt6 display 'string length = ' numfmt6 no advancing move comparisons to numfmt9 display ', comparisons = ' numfmt9 .
Convert a character to an index
Does a binary search for Âchr in ÂlettersÂ. Returns the result in ÂixÂ. The input character Âchr must be an uppercase letter.
05 chr-to-ix-local. 08 letters pic x(26) value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. 08 ix pic 99 comp. 08 ix1 pic 99 comp. 08 ix2 pic 99 comp. 08 chr pic X.
chr-to-ix. move 1 to ix1 move 26 to ix2 perform until 1 < 0 compute ix = ( ix1 + ix2 ) / 2 evaluate true when chr > letters(ix:1) compute ix1 = ix + 1 when chr < letters(ix:1) compute ix2 = ix - 1 when true next sentence end-evaluate end-perform .
Word-printing routines
The routine Âprint-word prints the word at index Âw-ptrÂ. The routine Âprint-words iterates over all words in use.
05 print-word-locals. 08 w-ptr pic 9(06) comp.
print-word. display w-ptr ": " offset (w-ptr) " " valu (w-ptr) " " unified(w-ptr) . print-words. perform print-word varying w-ptr from 1 by 1 until w-ptr >= nwords .
Initialize a new anagram finder
05 af-new-len-locals. 08 l-count pic 99 comp occurs 26. 08 u-put pic 99 comp. 08 i-last pic 9(06) comp. 08 u-tmp pic x(12).
af-new-len. move 1 to nwords perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > 26 move 0 to l-count(i) end-perform perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i >= len move txt(i:1) to chr perform chr-to-ix add 1 to l-count(ix) end-perform compute nwords = 1 compute i-last = txt-len - len + 1 perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > i-last move txt(i+len - 1:1) to chr perform chr-to-ix add +1 to l-count(ix) move 1 to u-put move spaces to u-tmp perform varying j from 1 by 1 until j > 26 perform varying k from 1 by 1 until k > l-count(j) move letters(j:1) to u-tmp(u-put:1) add 1 to u-put end-perform end-perform move txt(i:1) to chr perform chr-to-ix add -1 to l-count(ix) move i to offset (nwords) move txt(i:len) to valu (nwords) move u-tmp to unified(nwords) add 1 to nwords end-perform .
Print a single result
af-print-one-result. compute numfmt3 = naccepted display numfmt3 ':' with no advancing perform varying k from 1 by 1 until k > naccepted compute numfmt6 = offset(accepted(k)) - 1 display ' ' numfmt6 ':' valu(accepted(k)) no advancing end-perform display ' ' .
Conditionally add a candidate to accepted
Âcand holds the index of the candidate. The candidate must not overlap, and it must not alrady exist in ÂacceptedÂ.
05 af-add-candidate-locals. 08 cand pic 9(06) comp. 08 o1 pic 9(06) comp. 08 o2 pic 9(06) comp. 08 low_offset pic 9(06) comp.
af-add-candidate. if offset(cand) < low_offset next sentence end-if move offset(cand) to o1 perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > naccepted move offset(accepted(i)) to o2 evaluate true when valu(accepted(i)) = valu(cand) move 999 to i when o1 > o2 and o1 < o2 + len move 999 to i end-evaluate end-perform if i < 999 add 1 to naccepted move cand to accepted(naccepted) compute low_offset = offset(cand) + len end-if .
Add a range of candidates
05 af-add-range-locals. 08 r-begin pic 9(06) comp. 08 r-end pic 9(06) comp.
af-add-range. compute m = r-end - r-begin if (r-end - r-begin) >= MINIMUM move 0 to naccepted move 0 to low_offset perform varying cand from r-begin by 1 until cand>=r-end perform af-add-candidate end-perform if (naccepted >= MINIMUM) perform af-print-one-result end-if .
Find all anagrams sets for given word length
af-find-all. move 1 to q-sp compute q-first(q-sp) = 1 compute q-last(q-sp) = nwords - 1 perform q-sort-main move 1 to r-begin move 2 to i perform varying r-end from i by 1 until r-end >= nwords if unified(r-end) <> unified(r-begin) perform af-add-range move r-end to r-begin end-if end-perform perform af-add-range .
Add letters from a single line from the input file
add-letters-to-txt. move function upper-case(data-in) to data-in. perform varying ix from 1 by 1 until ix > 80 if data-in(ix:1) is alphabetic if data-in(ix:1) is not = ' ' add 1 to txt-len move data-in(ix:1) to txt(txt-len:1) end-if end-if end-perform .
Read the input file
05 read-infile-locals. 08 done-in pic 9 comp value 0.
read-infile. move 0 to txt-len move 0 to done-in perform until 1 = done-in move spaces to data-in read anagram-in into data-in at end move 1 to done-in not at end perform add-letters-to-txt end-read end-perform .
Variables related to quicksort
01 qsort-related. 05 q-sp pic 9(04) value 1. 05 q-stack occurs 100. 08 q-first pic 9(06). 08 q-last pic 9(06). 05 q-sp-max pic 9(06) comp value 0. 05 q-p0 pic 9(06) comp. 05 q-p1 pic 9(06) comp. 05 q-p2 pic 9(06) comp. 05 q-p3 pic 9(06) comp.
quicksort: swap to words
q-swap. move word (q-p1) to word (256001) move word (q-p2) to word (q-p1) move word (256001) to word (q-p2) .
quicksort: bubble sort, for small ranges
q-bubble. move q-last(q-sp) to m perform varying q-p1 from q-first(q-sp) by 1 until q-p1 >= m compute q-p2 = q-p1 compute i = q-p1 + 1 perform varying i from i by 1 until i > m add 1 to comparisons if sort-key(i) < sort-key(q-p2) move i to q-p2 end-if end-perform if q-p2 > q-p1 perform q-swap end-if end-perform .
quicksort: pivoting
q-pivot. add 3 to comparisons compute q-p1 = q-first(q-sp) compute q-p2 = (q-last(q-sp) + q-first(q-sp)) / 2 if (sort-key(q-p1) > sort-key(q-p2)) perform q-swap end-if compute q-p2 = q-last(q-sp) if (sort-key(q-p1) > sort-key(q-p2)) perform q-swap end-if compute q-p1 = (q-last(q-sp) + q-first(q-sp)) / 2 if (sort-key(q-p1) > sort-key(q-p2)) perform q-swap end-if move sort-key(q-p1) to sort-key(256002) compute q-p1 = q-first(q-sp) + 1 add -1 to q-p2 perform until q-p1 > q-p2 perform until q-p1>q-p2 or sort-key(q-p1)>sort-key(256002) add 1 to comparisons add +1 to q-p1 end-perform if q-p1 > q-p2 add -1 to comparisons end-if perform until q-p1>q-p2 or sort-key(q-p2)<sort-key(256002) add 1 to comparisons add -1 to q-p2 end-perform if q-p1 > q-p2 add -1 to comparisons end-if if q-p1 < q-p2 perform q-swap end-if end-perform add -1 to q-p1 add +1 to q-p2 .
quicksort: quicksort a range
q-qsort. perform q-pivot move q-first(q-sp) to q-p0 move q-last (q-sp) to q-p3 add -1 to q-sp if q-p1 > q-p0 add 1 to q-sp move q-p0 to q-first(q-sp) move q-p1 to q-last (q-sp) end-if if q-p3 > q-p2 add 1 to q-sp move q-p2 to q-first(q-sp) move q-p3 to q-last (q-sp) end-if if (q-sp > 1) move q-first(q-sp - 1) to q-p0 move q-last (q-sp - 1) to q-p1 move q-first(q-sp ) to q-p2 move q-last (q-sp ) to q-p3 if (q-p1 < q-p2 or q-p0 > q-p3) if (q-p1 - q-p0 < q-p3 - q-p2) move q-stack(q-sp) to q-stack(q-sp - 1) move q-p0 to q-first(q-sp ) move q-p1 to q-last (q-sp ) end-if end-if end-if compute q-sp-max = function max(q-sp, q-sp-max) .
quicksort: print stack (for debugging)
q-print-stack. display ' ' perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > q-sp compute m = q-last(i) - q-first(i) display i " " q-first(i) "-" q-last(i) ":" m no advancing perform varying j from q-first(i) by 1 until j>q-last(i) display " [" sort-key(j)(1:4) "]" no advancing end-perform display ' ' end-perform .
quicksort: main routine (entry point)
q-sort-main. perform until q-sp = 0 if q-last(q-sp) - q-first(q-sp) < 5 perform q-bubble add -1 to q-sp else perform q-qsort end-if end-perform .
The unmodified source code
identification division. program-id. anagram. *>author. Lars Nordenstrom. environment division. input-output section. file-control. select anagram-in assign to 'datain' line sequential. data division. file section. fd anagram-in. 01 row pic x(80). working-storage section. 01 qsort-related. 05 q-sp pic 9(04) value 1. 05 q-stack occurs 100. 08 q-first pic 9(06). 08 q-last pic 9(06). 05 q-sp-max pic 9(06) comp value 0. 05 q-p0 pic 9(06) comp. 05 q-p1 pic 9(06) comp. 05 q-p2 pic 9(06) comp. 05 q-p3 pic 9(06) comp. 01 af-data. 05 txt pic x(256000). 05 txt-len pic 9(06) comp value 0. 05 word occurs 256002. 08 sort-key. 11 unified pic x(12) value spaces. 11 offset pic 9(06) value 0. 08 valu pic x(12) value spaces. 05 nwords pic 9(06) comp. *> The last two entries are used as temporaries by qsort. *> Do not put data in them 05 accepted pic 9(06) comp occurs 30. 05 naccepted pic 99 comp. 05 data-in pic x(80). 05 MINIMUM pic 9 comp value 3. 05 len pic 99 comp. 01 globals. 05 numfmt3 pic z(2)9. 05 numfmt6 pic z(5)9. 05 numfmt9 pic z(8)9. 01 debug. 05 comparisons pic 9(09) comp. 01 temporaries. 05 general-use. 08 i pic 9(06) comp. 08 j pic 9(06) comp. 08 k pic 9(06) comp. 08 m pic 9(06) comp. 05 chr-to-ix-local. 08 letters pic x(26) value 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. 08 ix pic 99 comp. 08 ix1 pic 99 comp. 08 ix2 pic 99 comp. 08 chr pic X. 05 print-word-locals. 08 w-ptr pic 9(06) comp. 05 af-new-len-locals. 08 l-count pic 99 comp occurs 26. 08 u-put pic 99 comp. 08 i-last pic 9(06) comp. 08 u-tmp pic x(12). 05 af-add-candidate-locals. 08 cand pic 9(06) comp. 08 o1 pic 9(06) comp. 08 o2 pic 9(06) comp. 08 low_offset pic 9(06) comp. 05 af-add-range-locals. 08 r-begin pic 9(06) comp. 08 r-end pic 9(06) comp. 05 read-infile-locals. 08 done-in pic 9 comp value 0. procedure division. perform main stop run . *>-------------------------------------------------------- Start of qsort q-swap. move word (q-p1) to word (256001) move word (q-p2) to word (q-p1) move word (256001) to word (q-p2) . q-bubble. move q-last(q-sp) to m perform varying q-p1 from q-first(q-sp) by 1 until q-p1 >= m compute q-p2 = q-p1 compute i = q-p1 + 1 perform varying i from i by 1 until i > m add 1 to comparisons if sort-key(i) < sort-key(q-p2) move i to q-p2 end-if end-perform if q-p2 > q-p1 perform q-swap end-if end-perform . q-pivot. add 3 to comparisons compute q-p1 = q-first(q-sp) compute q-p2 = (q-last(q-sp) + q-first(q-sp)) / 2 if (sort-key(q-p1) > sort-key(q-p2)) perform q-swap end-if compute q-p2 = q-last(q-sp) if (sort-key(q-p1) > sort-key(q-p2)) perform q-swap end-if compute q-p1 = (q-last(q-sp) + q-first(q-sp)) / 2 if (sort-key(q-p1) > sort-key(q-p2)) perform q-swap end-if *> At this point first element < pivot < last element, so each new slice *> will have at least one member. Guarantees that sorting will terminates move sort-key(q-p1) to sort-key(256002) compute q-p1 = q-first(q-sp) + 1 add -1 to q-p2 perform until q-p1 > q-p2 perform until q-p1>q-p2 or sort-key(q-p1)>sort-key(256002) add 1 to comparisons add +1 to q-p1 end-perform if q-p1 > q-p2 add -1 to comparisons end-if perform until q-p1>q-p2 or sort-key(q-p2)<sort-key(256002) add 1 to comparisons add -1 to q-p2 end-perform if q-p1 > q-p2 add -1 to comparisons end-if if q-p1 < q-p2 perform q-swap end-if end-perform add -1 to q-p1 add +1 to q-p2 . q-qsort. perform q-pivot *> Must save range now, since q-sp changes unpredictably move q-first(q-sp) to q-p0 move q-last (q-sp) to q-p3 add -1 to q-sp if q-p1 > q-p0 add 1 to q-sp move q-p0 to q-first(q-sp) move q-p1 to q-last (q-sp) end-if if q-p3 > q-p2 add 1 to q-sp move q-p2 to q-first(q-sp) move q-p3 to q-last (q-sp) end-if *> We want short elements at the top of the stack *> Swap top elements if a) the do not overlap, and b) the top *> element is larger than the one below if (q-sp > 1) move q-first(q-sp - 1) to q-p0 move q-last (q-sp - 1) to q-p1 move q-first(q-sp ) to q-p2 move q-last (q-sp ) to q-p3 if (q-p1 < q-p2 or q-p0 > q-p3) if (q-p1 - q-p0 < q-p3 - q-p2) move q-stack(q-sp) to q-stack(q-sp - 1) move q-p0 to q-first(q-sp ) move q-p1 to q-last (q-sp ) end-if end-if end-if compute q-sp-max = function max(q-sp, q-sp-max) . q-print-stack. display ' ' perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > q-sp compute m = q-last(i) - q-first(i) display i " " q-first(i) "-" q-last(i) ":" m no advancing perform varying j from q-first(i) by 1 until j>q-last(i) *> display " [" trim(sort-key(j)(1:4)) "]" no advancing display " [" sort-key(j)(1:4) "]" no advancing end-perform display ' ' end-perform . q-sort-main. perform until q-sp = 0 *> perform q-print-stack if q-last(q-sp) - q-first(q-sp) < 5 perform q-bubble add -1 to q-sp else perform q-qsort end-if end-perform . *>--------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous *> *> Expect a letter ('A'..'Z') in chr *> Return an index (1..26) in ix *> *> (Using ORD() is not portable) *> *> chr-to-ix(chr) => ix chr-to-ix. move 1 to ix1 move 26 to ix2 perform until 1 < 0 compute ix = ( ix1 + ix2 ) / 2 evaluate true when chr > letters(ix:1) compute ix1 = ix + 1 when chr < letters(ix:1) compute ix2 = ix - 1 when true next sentence end-evaluate end-perform . *> print-word(w-ptr) print-word. display w-ptr ": " offset (w-ptr) " " valu (w-ptr) " " unified(w-ptr) . *> print-words(1, nwords) => (w-ptr) print-words. perform print-word varying w-ptr from 1 by 1 until w-ptr >= nwords . *>----------------------------------------------------------- Anagram Finder af-new-len. move 1 to nwords perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > 26 move 0 to l-count(i) end-perform *> Prime the letter counters with the first len-1 characters perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i >= len move txt(i:1) to chr perform chr-to-ix add 1 to l-count(ix) end-perform compute nwords = 1 compute i-last = txt-len - len + 1 perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > i-last *> Add incoming letter to the letter counters move txt(i+len - 1:1) to chr perform chr-to-ix add +1 to l-count(ix) *> Build unified from letter counters move 1 to u-put move spaces to u-tmp perform varying j from 1 by 1 until j > 26 perform varying k from 1 by 1 until k > l-count(j) move letters(j:1) to u-tmp(u-put:1) add 1 to u-put end-perform end-perform *> Remove outgoing letter from the letter counters move txt(i:1) to chr perform chr-to-ix add -1 to l-count(ix) *> Initialize a new object move i to offset (nwords) move txt(i:len) to valu (nwords) move u-tmp to unified(nwords) add 1 to nwords end-perform . af-print-one-result. compute numfmt3 = naccepted display numfmt3 ':' with no advancing perform varying k from 1 by 1 until k > naccepted compute numfmt6 = offset(accepted(k)) - 1 display ' ' numfmt6 ':' valu(accepted(k)) no advancing end-perform display ' ' . af-add-candidate. if offset(cand) < low_offset next sentence end-if move offset(cand) to o1 perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > naccepted move offset(accepted(i)) to o2 evaluate true when valu(accepted(i)) = valu(cand) move 999 to i when o1 > o2 and o1 < o2 + len move 999 to i end-evaluate end-perform if i < 999 add 1 to naccepted move cand to accepted(naccepted) compute low_offset = offset(cand) + len end-if . af-add-range. compute m = r-end - r-begin if (r-end - r-begin) >= MINIMUM move 0 to naccepted move 0 to low_offset perform varying cand from r-begin by 1 until cand>=r-end perform af-add-candidate end-perform if (naccepted >= MINIMUM) perform af-print-one-result end-if . af-find-all. move 1 to q-sp compute q-first(q-sp) = 1 compute q-last(q-sp) = nwords - 1 perform q-sort-main move 1 to r-begin move 2 to i perform varying r-end from i by 1 until r-end >= nwords if unified(r-end) <> unified(r-begin) perform af-add-range move r-end to r-begin end-if end-perform perform af-add-range . *>----------------------------------------------------------- main program *> add-letters-to-txt(*data-in, *txt, *txt-len) add-letters-to-txt. move function upper-case(data-in) to data-in. perform varying ix from 1 by 1 until ix > 80 if data-in(ix:1) is alphabetic if data-in(ix:1) is not = ' ' add 1 to txt-len move data-in(ix:1) to txt(txt-len:1) end-if end-if end-perform . *> read-infile(anagram-in) => (data-in, txt, txt-len) read-infile. move 0 to txt-len move 0 to done-in perform until 1 = done-in move spaces to data-in read anagram-in into data-in at end move 1 to done-in not at end perform add-letters-to-txt end-read end-perform . main. open input anagram-in perform read-infile close anagram-in perform varying len from 4 by 1 until len > 10 if len > 4 display ' ' end-if move len to numfmt3 display 'len = ' numfmt3 perform af-new-len perform af-find-all end-perform move txt-len to numfmt6 display 'string length = ' numfmt6 no advancing move comparisons to numfmt9 display ', comparisons = ' numfmt9 .
You can reach me by email at “lars dash 7 dot sdu dot se” or by telephone +46 705 189090